Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28th 2011

almost 3 months since last post, yang terjadi hmmm selama itu.. BUANYAK...

liburan lebaran yang dirumah aja, gak kemana2.. selama bulan september banyak meeting..
bulan oktober? PADAT DAT DAT DAT...

and yeayyy... mid of October kemarin holiday ke TAIWAN... yippieeee...
6 days at there and spent time to anywhere around taiwan.. Second time being there made me more familiar with the place..
explore some new places..

hey, now i got lot more stamps at the passport.. norak yah?? ihhh bodo... punya gue ini..

Back to normal work lagi, and last week totally rushingg.... kayaknya buat tidur aja kaga sempat, gak bisa tidur malah.. sakit kepala.. tapi sekarang dah beres.. aman dehh... :)

hmm.. mau nulis apa lagi yah? oohh iya, mau bikin blog baru.. about jakarta street food? haizzz... belum jelas deh mau gimana.. start to find new one.. will be write back..

Signing off for now,

Ps: ni jam setting nya kacau deh..