Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Wah... bulan Januari dah mau habis... saatnya gajian lagi.. ga berasa yakk.. bentar lagi Imlek dan Valentine.. hm...Imlek, senang terima angpao, Valentine, still garing nehh.... :(

Tahun ini bikin new year resolution dalam hati aja, gak ada yang terlalu dipaksain juga.. kadang jadi males bikin new year resolution, karena yah memang ada beberapa yang kesampean, yang gak kesampean juga ada..
But i do thanks GOD, dah show His power to make me believe, yes there are always a chance for everyone when they want to change..

awal tahun ini makin berasa, gw ada dipersimpangan dalam artian gak jelas mau kemana untuk masalah religion, but i know our God yah cuman 1, jadi aku doa-nya ke Tuhan saja. Sekarang lagi belajar berdoa, tapi menurut Rose, doa itu gak usah dipelajari, hanya dengan bersyukur saja, dan diucapkan dalam hati saja, Tuhan juga sudah tahu apa yang kita minta, tentunya karena Dia maha tahu. Dan Rose juga sering mengatakan , mulutmu adalah harimaumu, dalam arti apa pun yang diucapkan oleh mulut kita adalah doa. I really try not to curse, or not to said bad things about anything, tapi kok rasanya susah banget yah... but i try.
hanya DIA yang tahu apa yang akan terjadi, Thanks God for everything that i got awal tahun ini..

He send me someone yang sudah diimpi2kan oleh gua.. hehehehe... hopefully this is not only a dream, but this is my dream come true. banyak yang sudah kita bicarakan, semoga semuanya bisa terealisasi secepatnya.
kalau sudah saatnya, bisa di release beritanya.. :P
Semoga semua berjalan sesuai dengan kehendak-Nya, kalau memang dia milik aku, dekatkanlah aku dengan dia, tapi kalau memang belum saatnya, aku cuman bisa pasrah kepada-Mu, semoga diberi jalan yang paling tepat untuk kita berdua.. :)

Inly yang lagi yellow mellow.. :)

Tag Three Games

Someone just give me this game.. try to fill it… but hm… isn’t it like telling some of my life? :P

Three names I go by:

Inly / Inlie this is what people call me. As long as not Waty.. :P
In Just a nick name that my office mate use
Om my high school mate called me with this one. Confused? Don’t be. I ever cut my hair like a boy and because I’m fat, so I look like om-om. LOLUROTF

Three jobs I have had:

Internal Auditor


Wedding Organizer

Can I add one more? Kupas Bawang… hihihihihi… side job ever…

Three places I have lived:
Tebing Tinggi it was a place that 2 hours from Medan ( North Sumatra)

Jakarta since 1992

Abroad my future place :D

Three favorite drinks:
Mineral water



Three TV shows I watch:
CSI: New York Always amazed with their equipments to searching for the evidence.
Gossip Girl lovely Blake Lively, dying to look for her style

Glee Best Musical TV shows ever

Three Places I have been:




Three places I would like to visit:
Rockefeller Centre
Santorini - Greece.
Everywhere you want it, babe

Three favorite old TV shows:

90210 the best tv show at 1990’s

Melrose Place another Aaron Spelling production that booming at 1990’s

The Nanny. Fran Deschner was the best Nanny ever

Threefavorite dishes:

Fried Rice any kind of fried rice.. love it so much

Rujak the spice dessert ever *depend on the chili off course*

Sushi the FAVOURITE one

Three makeup products I cannot live without:

Compact Powder, Eyeliner and Parfume -err.. parfum not a make-up product, I guess-

Three things I'm looking forward too:
Waiting Patrick come to Jakarta

Trip to Singapore and other places

Live to the fullest